Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Automated Flight Controls in the KC-130J and Northrop Grumman Bat

Daniel J. Hall, Jr.

ASCI 638 – Human Factors in Unmanned Systems

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide

July 16, 2014
Automated Flight Controls in the KC-130J and Northrop Grumman Bat

The irony of automated flight control systems is that while they were designed to facilitate the assimilation of information and reduce pilot workload they can also induce a dangerous loss of situational awareness and complacency.  For example, Naval Air systems Command (2006) stated, “In complex human-machine systems like the KC-130J, operations, training and standardization depend on an elaborate set of procedures, which are specified and mandated” (p. 16-1).  However, once armed with proper training and fully knowledgeable in the elaborate set of procedures described in the KC-130J flight manual, a crew of four can now execute tasks that used to require a crew of six or more.  “The high level of automation on the KC-130J gives crews a variety of ways to obtain flight information and execute mission tasks” (Naval Air Systems Command, 2006, p. 16-1).

The Lockheed Martin C-130 has been a workhorse of military and civilian transport operations since the late 1950s.  This four engine aircraft was originally designed with rows of analog gauges and mechanically linked flight controls that allowed a crew of six or more to accomplish missions safely.  However, in the 1990s, the highly automated C-130J began to replace the legacy aircraft that had served their purpose for almost 40 years.  The C-130J’s glass cockpit design with heads up displays and automated flight control systems empowered her reduced crews with vast amounts of information and flight options.  But, as Naval Air Systems Command (2006) warned, “Such variability, if not properly managed, can lead to confusion, conflict, loss of situational awareness and increased workload levels. The use of a sound automation philosophy and Crew Resource Management (CRM) can combat these potential errors” (p. 16-1).

The purpose of the automation on the KC-130J is to assist the flight crew with mission accomplishment.  The level of automation used at any specific time should be the most appropriate to reduce crew workload during critical phases of flight, increase situational awareness and enhance mission effectiveness and safety. (Naval Air Systems Command, 2006, p. 16-4)

On the other end of the aviation spectrum, unmanned aerospace systems (UAS) have also benefited from technological advances in automated flight controls.  One such example is the Northrop Grumman Bat.  The Bat is a blended body UAS with a wingspan of approximately 12 feet (Northrop Grumman, 2014).  The Bat is describe as, “Runway-independent and fully autonomous, the Bat is a flexible, self-contained expeditionary system, designed to launch from a pneumatic/hydraulic rail launcher and recover into a net recovery system” (Northrop Grumman Corporation, 2014, para. 2).  The risks associated with the high speed accelerations during the pneumatic rail launch are greatly reduced with the automated flight controls.  In addition, highly automated flight controls, augmented with precise GPS positioning enable the Bat to consistently navigate to the center of its 16 foot capture net during recovery operations.

The automated flight controls on the Bat and provided by a user-friendly, point and click autopilot system from Cloud Cap Technology.  The “Piccolo Command Center (PCC) is the user interface for the Piccolo autopilot that provides a powerful flight planning and management software solution” (Cloud Cap Technology, 2014, para. 1).  Basic functions and features of the Piccolo autopilot system, as stated in the Key Features section of Cloud Cap Technology (2014) include:

·         Easy to define mission parameters and restrictions

·         Waypoint Insertion

·         Context Menus for common functions

·         Route Copy between aircraft

·         Easy route planning

·         Manage multiple aircraft on single map

·         High performance smooth zoom

·         2D and 3D terrain mapping

·         Integration with web mapping servers for elevation and imagery

This automated flight control system enables the 12 foot Bat to safely get airborne and recover in a manner that is typically beyond the limits of direct human pilot inputs.


Cloud Cap Technology. (2014, March). Cloud Cap Technology PCC: Piccolo Command Center. Retrieved from

Naval Air Systems Command. (2006, March 1). NATOPS flight manual: Navy model KC-130J aircraft. San Diego, CA: Author.

Northrop Grumman Corporation. (2014). Bat unmanned aircraft system (UAS). Retrieved from

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